Communication in the Family

It’s amazing how much learning is done at home, subconsciously. It must be important, then, to look at the quality of communication in the family, since this is what your child will imitate, absorb and recreate to use as his own life-map. Research shows that babies come ready to learn, at birth. As a parent, […]

Choosing and Using Books with Children

When my son and daughter were little, we had a bed-time routine of one story a night. I didn’t have any difficulty getting them to go to bed! The problem was that they had their own ideas of what books they wanted me to read. My carefully selected choices were rejected when they wanted the […]

Helping Your Child Build Confidence

Wouldn’t we all like our children to grow up feeling successful? Expressing themselves without worrying about correctness or giving offence, speaking easily to strangers, able to put others at ease, comfortable addressing a wide range of different people and audiences, enjoying successful relationships? Confidence is the priceless asset that will inspire this success, helping them […]

Julia Gabriel Education on Channel News Asia and Channel 5

We were chosen to be on the Bright Start, Bright Sparks series. This featured some of the prominent centres offering educational programmes to young children in Singapore. Watch to learn more about our unique EduDrama methodology, engaging environments and inspirational teachers. At Julia Gabriel, we empower students to communicate confidently through EduDrama®, a unique learning […]


Thank you for making us your Number 1 choice. Your acknowledgement and support encourages us to continuously strive for excellence in education – and ensure everyone’s a winner. Click here to read more about how drama can help your child develop a sense of self. At Julia Gabriel, we empower students to communicate confidently through EduDrama®, a unique […]

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With a wide range of programmes available, we are home to a large number of educational specialists and developmental experts. We are happy to share our experience and support you in your parenting journey.

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