Are you an Over Protective Parent?

“Just as learning a sport demands years of practice, so does learning to handle life’s setbacks.”  – Karen Karbo, Why Being Less Protective Is Better for Your Kids The world can seem a scary place when you are a small child navigating your surroundings. Stepping outside of your usual environment, discovering something new can feel daunting […]

Empathy: a soft skill or vital to creating the world we wish to see?

We are so lucky to live in a small multicultural multiracial country where people coexist, for the most part, very peacefully together, respecting the religions and cultural traditions of different ethnic groups. Polite behaviour, care of the elderly, volunteering within the community are just some of the activities that are encouraged in schools, by the […]

5 tips for overcoming the fear of public speaking

Public speaking is widely considered a very frightening experience which most people prefer to avoid. The fear of public speaking, or ‘glossophobia’, is statistically ranked the fourth highest phobia after the fear of death, spiders and heights. There are many reasons for this, among them a fear of being judged by the audience and the speaker’s […]

How to Engage Children During School Holidays

If the thought of the summer holidays and keeping your children entertained for a whole month is beginning to worry you – fear not! Remember school holidays are a time to be enjoyed and can offer a respite from busy schedules where you can come together as a family. There are a number of wonderful […]

The Power of Speech and Drama

You have to stand in front of an audience of hundreds and give a work presentation. You have a pending wedding speech in front of family and friends. You would love to learn to salsa but just can’t bring yourself to sign up for that dance class. Meeting new people feels just a little bit […]


Stage Lights presents, MYTHS AND LEGENDS It has undoubtedly been a year of upheaval for everyone. Here within the Stage Lights family at Julia Gabriel Centre, we faced the cancellation of our live show, ‘Myths and Legends’, in May. The students had created their own stories based on various myths and legends from around the […]

Encouraging an Under-Achieving Child

Children who are motivated to approach challenging tasks willingly, begin tasks independently and demonstrate a positive attitude towards learning and schoolwork are far more likely to be successful in both school and life than children who gravitate towards tasks that are inappropriately easy, require a lot of coaxing to begin tasks, put in minimal effort […]

How Drama Helps Your Child Develop a Sense of Self

What is a sense of self? Is it something we are born with or something we acquire as we grow up? Why is embodying a healthy sense of self important? And how can we help our children develop positively such a non-tangible quality? Studies conducted by the Centre for Brain and Cognitive Development at the University […]

Why Children Need to Play

How do children learn? How do they grasp entire language systems, codes of communication, symbolic thinking, and mastery of the skills they need to read and write? The answer is so simple that it’s sometimes too difficult to grasp. Babies and young children learn through play! How can that be? Well, do you remember those […]

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