Drama &

At Julia Gabriel Centre, we believe each individual is exceptional.

Drama & Communication

At Julia Gabriel Centre,
we believe each individual
is exceptional.

Stage Lights -
A Performance Arts Programme

7 – 12 Years / Primary 1 – 6

Experience the thrill, joy and excitement of performing before a live audience

Stage Lights is for primary school students with an interest and desire to perform. Designed to simulate a real theatre company, Stage Lights offers our students an opportunity to experience the process of planning and preparing for a performance. While doing so, our students learn to unleash their innate creative flair and expression, and also how to collaborate in ensemble productions. 

Stage Lights does more than give students the ability to perform on stage confidently. It also help develop skills which are essential for life such as, creativity, the capacity to express their thoughts and opinions, communicate effectively and engage with others positively. The programme provides an opportunity to be empathetic towards others and feel what it’s like to be in someone else’s shoes. The need to learn lines and remember sequences for a performance improves memory and, by learning how important it is to behave in a professional manner while preparing for a show, participants develop a sense of calm and self-control.

In addition to participating in performances, Stage Lights students also progress through Trinity College London’s Performance Arts syllabus to receive accreditation for the work they do as performers.

Stage Lights develops three core stagecraft disciplines:

Stage Lights students will:

Experience the thrill, joy and excitement of performing before a live audience today!

(3 – 4 years / Nursery 1 & 2)

5 – 6 years / Kindergarten 1 & 2

7 – 12 years / Primary 1 – 6

13 – 18 years / Teens

10 – 12 years / Primary 4 – 6

(3 – 4 years / Nursery 1 & 2)

5 – 6 years / Kindergarten 1 & 2

6 – 12 years / Primary 1 – 6

13 – 18 years / Teens

10 – 12 years / Primary 4 – 6

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