Readers & Writers
At Julia Gabriel Centre, we believe each individual is exceptional.
Readers & Writers
At Julia Gabriel Centre,
we believe each individual
is exceptional.
I Love Reading
3 – 4 Years / Nursery 1 & 2
Opening up a world of language
I Love Reading is a reading readiness programme which motivates young children to discover the world of print through participation in drama activities, enabling each child to develop stronger vocabulary. Based on ‘The Alphabet Zoo’ book (created by Julia Gabriel) and its characters, I Love Reading begins the process of exposure that enables children to experience language holistically, heightening their literacy skills.

The I Love Reading programme enables students to:
Recognise and name letters.

Link letters and sounds (phonemic and phonetic awareness).

Develop fine motor skills, confidence, independence and social skills.

Appreciate and understand stories.

Learn to share and play co-operatively.

Develop a strong vocabulary.

Hold pencils correctly to draw and form letters and words.

The teachers are really special and make a real effort to connect with each child.